Our services.
Planning & styling.
You are unique, and so is your love tale. That’s why we plan and style your wedding based on your story and wishes. Every wedding we create is made-to-measure, just for you. That’s why we love hearing about you first, and love a collaboration with our couples.
From finding the right venue and creating a concept that fits your personalities, to being your support team during the big day, we are here to guide you wherever you might need.
If you’d like to learn more about our service as a wedding planner and/or stylist and the rate that fits your wishes, we’d love you to contact us for a complementary meeting.
Destination weddings.
We love going the extra mile, not just by detailing our stylings or perfecting your wedding script. Travelling all around the world to find your perfect venue & organize your dream day or weekend: we say yes! We love driving or flying around the entire world for love.
Get in touch: we’d love to hear about your wishes during a complementary meeting.
Just the two of you, a photographer/videographer, and a unique experience. Eloping returns to the basics of getting married: you as a couple, declaring your love for each other. At a meaningful location for you in Belgium, or all around the world: we make it happen.
A small intimate ceremony on a mountain top, enjoying your favorite foods in a once-in-a-lifetime setting, sleeping under the stars? Maybe surprising your friends & family during a party afterwards? We love to hear what your perfect elopement would look like and create that experience for you. For wild souls only.
Do you want to elope? Contact us for a complementary meeting & rates that fit your wishes.